On this page, you will find a list of Sao Tome and Principe embassies located in various countries. Use the search bar above to find the embassy closest to you. You may want to contact the embassy to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on entry requirements, visa applications, and travel advisories to ensure a smooth and compliant travel experience to Sao Tome and Principe
(+244) (222) 345 677
Rua Armindo de Andrade 173-175 Miramar Luanda Angola
(+32) 2.734.89.66
Avenue de Tervuren, 175 1150 Bruxelles Belgium
(+241) 72.15.27
Postale 489 Libreville Gabon
(+351) 218 461 917
Avenida Gago Coutinho , 6 piso 1000-017 Lisboa Portugal
(+886) (2) 2511 4111
3/F, 18 Chi-lin Road Taipei 104 Taiwan