On this page, you will find a list of Netherlands embassies located in various countries. Use the search bar above to find the embassy closest to you. You may want to contact the embassy to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on entry requirements, visa applications, and travel advisories to ensure a smooth and compliant travel experience to Netherlands
(+93) 70-286640 ; (+93) 70-286641
House no. 2 and 3 Street no. 4 Anasari and Ghisassudin Watt Shahr-e Naw Kabul Afghanistan
(+355) 4-240828 ; (+355) 4-240829
Rruga Asim Zeneli nr. 10 Tirana Albania
(+244) 222 2310686
Edificio Secil Avenida 4 de Fevereiro Luanda Angola
(+54) 11-4338-0050
Puerto Madero, Edificio Olga Cossenttinie 831 - Piso 3 y 4 C1107BVA - Buenos Aires Argentina
(+61) 2-6220 9400
120 Empire Circuit Yarralumla ACT 2600 Australia