On this page, you will find a list of Montenegro embassies located in various countries. Use the search bar above to find the embassy closest to you. You may want to contact the embassy to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on entry requirements, visa applications, and travel advisories to ensure a smooth and compliant travel experience to Montenegro
(+43) 1 715 3102
Vienna Hilton Complex, Office Center M1.14.07 Landstrasse Hauptstrasse 2 1030 Vienna Austria
(+33) 1 53 63 80 30
Boulevard St Germain Paris France
(+386) 1 439 5365 / 4
Reseljeva cesta 40 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
(+1) 202 234 6108
1610 New Hampshire Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20009 United States