On this page, you will find a list of Chad embassies located in various countries. Use the search bar above to find the embassy closest to you. You may want to contact the embassy to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on entry requirements, visa applications, and travel advisories to ensure a smooth and compliant travel experience to Chad
Bd. Lambermont 52 1030 Bruxelles Belgium
(+237) 221-0624
Quartier Bastos BP 506 Yaounde Cameroon
(+243) (12) 22358
67-69 ave du Cercle, BP 9097 Kinshasa, Congo (Democratic Republic)
(+20) 2 337 3379 ; (+20) 2 349 4461
12, Midan El Refai, Dokki POB 1869 Cairo Egypt
(+33) 1
65, rue des Belles Feuilles 75116 Paris France
(+49) (228) 35 60 26
Basteistrasse 80 53173 Bonn Germany
(+886) 2 2874-2943
8F, 9, Lane 62, Tienmu W. Road Taipei Taiwan
(+1) 202-462-4009
2002 R Street, NW Washington D.C. 20009 United States