On this page, you will find a list of Burundi embassies located in various countries. Use the search bar above to find the embassy closest to you. You may want to contact the embassy to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on entry requirements, visa applications, and travel advisories to ensure a smooth and compliant travel experience to Burundi
(+32) ; (+32)
Square Marie-Louise 46 1000 Bruxelles Belgium
(+1) (613) 789-0414 / 7042
325 Dalhousie Street, Suite 815 Ottawa Ontario Canada
(+86) (10) 6532 1801 / 2328
25, Guang Hua Lu Jian Guo Men Wai Beijing China
(+20) 2 302 4301 / 2
27 El Ryad Street Mohandessin Cairo Egypt
(+33) 1
10-12, rue de l‘Orme 75019 Paris France
(+49) 30-23 45 67-0
Berliner Strasse Berlin Germany
(+250) 575 010
Rue de Ntaruka BP 714 Kigali Rwanda
(+27) 12 342 4881 / 4883
Suite 405, Infotech Building 1090 Arcadia Street P O Box 12914 Hatfield, 0028 Pretoria South Africa
(+1) 202-342-2574
2233 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 212 Washington D.C. 20007 United States